

Buddy System

May 1st, 2022

Do any of these scenarios sound familiar? I have joined a gym but I’m not going regularly. I need to go work out but it’s boring. I’m just not motivated. If you feel any of these emotions when it comes to going to a gym then you are like most people. You may not need anything but a friend who is committed to joining you on your fitness journey.

According to, more than 40% of participants drop a fitness course shortly after it begins if they attend on their own? But if they work out with a friend, the dropout rate decreases to 6%.

Besides the obvious health benefits of working out with a buddy, there are many other advantages as well. Here are just a few…

Social Connection
When two or more people work together for a common goal they create a unity, a bond of sorts. When you and your partner achieve goals you celebrate together. It’s also nice to have someone to give you a few words of encouragement when you are experiencing an off day.

More Adventurous
It’s easier to try new things if you have someone to do it with you. You may just find an activity you love, turning your workout into a fun activity and less like a workout.

Less Stress
We rely on our friends and family when we go through stressful times. But did you know that having a gym partner may also help alleviate stress in exercise environments? In a small study published in November 2017 in the Journal of Osteopathic Medicine, group exercise participants reported a 26.2 percent reduction in perceived stress levels, which was more than study participants who exercised on their own.

When you have a friend working out with you it’s like having a safety net. If you are lifting weights they can be your spotter. Or maybe they notice you are using the wrong technique and correct you before an injury to yourself. You may just need someone there who can hand your water bottle to you. But they are there for you and you are there for them.

Evaluate your gym routine. Do you think you could use a friend or partner to come along beside you in your quest for a healthier life? If so, consider your friends, family, co-workers, and neighbors. Find someone who is as committed as you and begin a journey to a better life together.

As always we are here to help.

5 Reasons Why Teenagers Need Exercise

April 29th, 2022

The advertising industry markets cell phones, laptops, computers, and all technology products that show us how to make our lives easier. However, with all this new technology, we have become more sedentary.

This is especially true for the teenage population. According to only about 1 in 4 high school students get the recommended hour a day of physical activity needed for healthy bodies and minds. Here are 5 reasons why it is imperative for teens to exercise at least 4 times per week.

Improves Cardiorespiratory

Activities such as aerobic exercises like cycling, using an elliptical trainer or walking on a treadmill can help promote heart and lung health. Which in turn will improve how well the body circulates and utilizes oxygen.

Builds Strong Bones And Muscles

As you exercise you strengthen your muscles. Your bones adapt by building more cells and as a result both become stronger. This is especially important since teenagers are still growing.

Controls Weight

Physical activity increases the number of calories your body uses for energy. Therefore when you are exercising you are burning calories instead of storing fat.

Reduces Symptoms Of Anxiety And Depression

When depression and anxiety affect the brain, the rest of the body feels the impact as well. Durning exercise your brain produces endorphins. These are chemicals/hormones that trigger a positive feeling in the body resulting in less anxiety and depression.

Promotes A Healthier Lifestyle

Learning to take care of your body during younger developmental years sets habits for a healthier adulthood. Exercising in your teens can reduce the risk of developing health conditions such as heart disease and diabetes in the future.

So all of this may sound good and be something you as a teenager would want to pursue. But you may be wondering where do I begin? What type of exercise should I do? How often and for how long? Star Fitness is here to come along beside you and partner with you in your pursuit of fitness.

Call today for details on our summer student special! Can’t wait to introduce you to Star Fitness!

Why Do You Need A Personal Trainer?

March 20th, 2022

Most people believe personal trainers are for the rich and famous or someone who is training for competition. Well, think again, if you are breathing you could benefit from the coaching of a personal trainer. A personal trainer will be able to look at you as an individual and say, “Here’s what you need to do FOR YOU.”

Here are a few other perks to hiring a personal trainer.


Let’s face it, most of us fall on our faces when it comes to gym time commitment. It’s easier to sleep in or go straight home after work than face the gym giant. However, when you hire a personal trainer you have an appointment with another living breathing person for whom you are now accountable. If you do choose to cancel there is some explaining to do. Your trainer is there to remind you of your goals and commitment and keep you on track.

Individualized programs

A personal trainer has the responsibility to design a stellar fitness program that is targeted at getting their clients specific results. Since every person is different, no two plans are the same. Whether you want to lose weight, tone, build stamina or muscle, the trainer is there to look at you as a whole person and come along beside you as you work toward your goals.

Investment in your health

Working with a personal trainer is usually an additional cost at most gyms and fitness centers. But you can’t put a price tag on health. Studies have shown that working with a trainer can reduce the chance of workout injuries and increase the overall health of an individual. Keep in mind so many health problems can be prevented and reversed by improved physical fitness and proper nutrition – both things that a personal trainer is trained to help you with.


We all know walking into a gym can be intimidating making exercise an uncomfortable experience. But a personal trainer is devoted to helping you look and feel your best. You don’t have to worry about what you look like, how little you know about exercise, or how many times you’ve failed with other diets in the past. A personal trainer is devoted to helping you look and feel your best. They are your ally.

So the next step is up to you.

Are you ready to make a life-changing decision? To take back control of your health and well-being. We suggest calling us today for a consultation and seeing what all a personal trainer can offer you. You will be surprised how your current work outs can be more effective. Or if this is your first time in a gym you will be amazed how your life and health can improve by the commitment of hiring a personal trainer.

We are here to help you be the best version of YOU!
Call us today!

Is Yoga For You? We Think So!

March 10th, 2022

Around the globe, for thousands of years, people have been practicing yoga. It is a combination of physical and mental exercises. The benefits of yoga are for everyone, young, old, overweight, or fit and there are no physical requirements.

So what is yoga? Yoga is an exercise centered around specific poses that are combined with breathing techniques and meditation. A mat is truly the only necessity for yoga. Although occasionally blocks, straps, blankets, and chairs are used to assist in poses that may be more difficult. Yoga is an individualized exercise and allows one to set a goal and participate at any level.

What are the benefits of yoga? A complete routine yoga workout can benefit the body in many ways.

  • Strengthen bones: In some individuals, yoga has been shown to have increased bone density in their spine and hips, compared to people who do not practice yoga.
  • Reduce back pain: Weekly yoga classes can relieve symptoms of low back pain due to intense stretching.
  • Improve balance: One Dr. suggests that athletes can display better balance due to yoga classes.
  • Stave off mental decline: “Over time, yoga’s effects also are believed to slow the natural aging process — there is less brain shrinkage in the areas of the brain that process information and store memories”
  • Reduce stress: A number of studies have shown that yoga may help reduce stress and anxiety. Yoga can enhance your mood and overall sense of well-being. Yoga might also help you manage your symptoms of depression and anxiety that are due to difficult situations.
  • Relieve depression: In a study of coal miners with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, or C.O.P.D., yoga was shown to help get depression under control.

Botton line, a well-balanced series of yoga exercises gives you the opportunity to scan your entire body, noting how you feel as you move through the poses. You will begin to listen to your body and get in touch with yourself. So don’t be intimidated by yoga terminology or complicated poses. Grab a mat and join a class here at Star fitness today.

For more information call today 423.543.6730 or visit

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