
Monday, Jan 30, 2023

Muscle soreness is extremely common for fitness enthusiasts. It can even prohibit fitness beginners from continuing with their goals. 

According to Lauren Murray, health fitness coordinator and personal trainer at Houston Methodist. “If your goal is to challenge your muscles — which it should be regardless of your age or gender — muscle soreness can’t be prevented. But the good news is that there are ways to lessen the severity of the soreness you experience.”

Let’s look at 5 of those ways to help lessen the soreness. 

Continue Moving:

This is probably not what you want to hear, but if it is just sore muscles and not an injury the best thing to do is continue to move and push through the pain. You may want to hold back and not push yourself to your full potential but get back to the gym and move.

Pain Relievers

Sometimes anti-inflammatory medications may help with the discomfort. It will not treat the sore muscles but may help you feel better as the muscles recover.  But take note these types of medications can cause stomach upset. So read the directions ad only take as directed.

Heat Therapy

Applying heat immediately after exercising can reduce delayed onset muscle soreness. Studies have found that while both dry and moist heat helped with the pain, moist heat was shown to offer even more pain reduction. You may want to try warm damp towels, moist heating pads, or a warm bath.

Dynamic Stretching

Not all stretching is created equally.  Static stretching involves stretching a muscle to the point of minimal discomfort and holding it for a period of time. Which may actually inhibit muscular performance.  So instead studies have shown that dynamic stretching is much better for you. Such as repeatedly moving your muscles and joints like walking, lunges, and arm circles. Dynamic stretching prepares your body for a workout by increasing your heart rate, improving blood flow, and improving your flexibility.

Workout Recovery 

If you are experiencing muscle soreness you may want to spend time in your gym’s workout recovery room. Instead of giving in to the sore muscles and staying on your sofa, go in for a light workout and take advantage of the gym’s recovery room before and after the visit.  Then always make the gym’s recovery room a part of your workout routine to assist in future muscular soreness. 

If your gym does not have a workout recovery room then you need to consider joining a gym like that offers a recovery room along with many other amenities.  Call today to experience the STAR FITNESS DIFFERENCE!